Indoctrination - the doctor, who is working in me.
The idea, I did not know about.
My body as parade ground for ambitioned participants.
One sauna infusion as a show can claim humility - for the show.
Freddie Mercury: "The show must go on"
The more humility, the more acceptance.
This knowledge also catholic church had in times of witch burnings.
Why claiming respect for a show, which only belongs to Freddie Mercury?
I can watch the show, but I also live in my own show.
This is nearer to me - why paying respect for a show, which is not mine?
Is politeness the measure of all things?
What about the buffer we all have inside us?
Is it our primary concern to show respect for our egos?
Normal is a creation. Ö3 is normal - that's how it is in Austria in 2021.
It's not like that in other years or in other countries around the world.
But what does this comparison count?
That word doesn't fit into that series of titles.
Nevertheless, there is devotion in the infusion.
We use it as a measure of a person's character.
The more devotion, the better the character.
But is that really true?
Isn't that flimsy?
The show MUST go on?